Monday, November 29, 2010

Vegan MoFo Day 21: Appetite for Destructing This Bowl Of Food, A Cookbook Addiction

This will go down as the longest title I will ever come up with.
Friday I was a lucky recipient of a certain book.
Immediately we put it to the test.

Green Goddess Dressing? Awesome. Devoured on salad.
Veggie Potpie Stew? Tremendous. Eaten with Sweet Potato Drop Biscuits.

Just glancing through this book, I give it two eager thumbs way up, but don't take my word for it-the table of contents is available to preview on Amazon and I recommend you do so if you are interested. And if you are a gluten free type, as I am striving to be, you may be doubly interested- 97% of the recipes within Appetite For Reduction are gluten free or easily made that way by subbing out such things as soy sauce for wheat free tamari, flour to thicken stews like the above Veggie Potpie with arrowroot, etc.

I truly think that this will be the first cookbook I will try every recipe in. In fact, that is my plan, and my future for this blog. Get excited! More on that tomorrow.


Amanda J said...

Oh, I'm definitely excited!

Candy Beans said...

Oh man, I really didn't think I'd want this book b/c I'm not interested in reduced-fat cooking, but the flickr pages and reviews are starting to get to me ...

aryn said...

Yay excitement!

I know this book is "reduced fat" but dang, it hardly seems like it (in a good way!). There is less fat overall but flavor is way high.

NJ said...

looks delicious! just had sweet peas the day before and i'm starting to miss it.